La Grange, California Horse Directory
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J.D. Saddlery
9537 Coronado Dr
La Grange, CA 95329
Custom saddles, repair, and gear.
We make custom western saddles for almost any area from cutting to buckaroo. We also do repair of tack and saddles, along with antique or vintage saddle restoration.
Give us a call or come on by and check out the shop located in the Lake Don Pedro area.
La Grange, CA 95329
(209) 852-9615
Ridefortheking@gmail.comCustom saddles, repair, and gear.
We make custom western saddles for almost any area from cutting to buckaroo. We also do repair of tack and saddles, along with antique or vintage saddle restoration.
Give us a call or come on by and check out the shop located in the Lake Don Pedro area.
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