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Equine Dentistry
3187 Blue Bells Ct
Merced, CA 95341
We perform dentistry under sedation with power equipment, which reduces the time spent with the horse's mouth held open with the speculum. Our focus is on humane horse handling and client education, as well as making nutritional recommendations to help horses rehabilitate from major dental problems which have caused weight loss and other health issues. We encourage clients to put their horses on a regular dental maintenance schedule, the benefits of which become evident very quickly. Horses typically train better, utilize feed better, and are happier in general with regular dental care. Regular dental care also aids in the prevention of colic. Horses which have not received any preventative dentistry for a number of years often need much more work, and therefore the first float may cost more. If there are any teeth that need to be extracted, there will be an additional cost. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 756-0724
equinedentistry01@yahoo.comWe perform dentistry under sedation with power equipment, which reduces the time spent with the horse's mouth held open with the speculum. Our focus is on humane horse handling and client education, as well as making nutritional recommendations to help horses rehabilitate from major dental problems which have caused weight loss and other health issues. We encourage clients to put their horses on a regular dental maintenance schedule, the benefits of which become evident very quickly. Horses typically train better, utilize feed better, and are happier in general with regular dental care. Regular dental care also aids in the prevention of colic. Horses which have not received any preventative dentistry for a number of years often need much more work, and therefore the first float may cost more. If there are any teeth that need to be extracted, there will be an additional cost. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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