Yorba Linda, California Horse Directory
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Yorba Linda Feed Store

Visit Yorba Linda Feed Store's Facebook Page
3782 Rose Dr
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 524-3222
info@yorbalindafeedstore.comEstablished in 1973 by Pete and Gladys Gallegos. Yorba Linda Feed Store is a premier feed and pet supply dealer in Orange County, Ca.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
EQUIP Equine-assisted Activities and Therapies provides recreational (fun!) and therapeutic treatments for those with mental, emotional, and physical disablities. Sessions involve collaborations with professional therapists and special educators. We have over 25 schoolmaster horses at the beautiful Rocking T Ranch in Yorba Linda, along with a petting pen of farm animals and miniature horses. Our strengths lie in our experience, professional connections, and our strong emphasis on safety. Please visit our website to see the facility and learn more about the program. Contact us for a FREE introductory session. We enjoy visitors!
EQUIP Equine-assisted Activities and Therapies provides recreational (fun!) and therapeutic treatments for those with mental, emotional, and physical disablities. Sessions involve collaborations with professional therapists and special educators. We have over 25 schoolmaster horses at the beautiful Rocking T Ranch in Yorba Linda, along with a petting pen of farm animals and miniature horses. Our strengths lie in our experience, professional connections, and our strong emphasis on safety. Please visit our website to see the facility and learn more about the program. Contact us for a FREE introductory session. We enjoy visitors!
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