Temecula, California Horse Directory
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Beth Barbour RealtorĀ®
PO Box 891568
Temecula, CA 92589
Temecula, California, horse property.
While selling or buying horse property, you want an agent who listens to what you have to say, can speak the language of horses, and understands the uniqueness of the equestrian world.
As a listing agent, knowing how and where to market your horse property is high priority and custom tailored to your farm or ranch's specialty. Drawing from a very involved 25-year history with horses enables me to target the appropriate media and associations that will properly market your property to just the right audience, not only in California, but across the globe.
Utilizing the internet effectively through SEO methods, when combined with pointing to the right social networks, is guaranteed to get your property noticed. Properties that get noticed get offers. Properties that get offers get sold. Bottom line.
Blue Mesa FarmTemecula, CA 92589
(951) 251-5263
bethbarbour@gmail.comTemecula, California, horse property.
While selling or buying horse property, you want an agent who listens to what you have to say, can speak the language of horses, and understands the uniqueness of the equestrian world.
As a listing agent, knowing how and where to market your horse property is high priority and custom tailored to your farm or ranch's specialty. Drawing from a very involved 25-year history with horses enables me to target the appropriate media and associations that will properly market your property to just the right audience, not only in California, but across the globe.
Utilizing the internet effectively through SEO methods, when combined with pointing to the right social networks, is guaranteed to get your property noticed. Properties that get noticed get offers. Properties that get offers get sold. Bottom line.
39450 Colleen Way
Temecula, CA 92592
"Start out on the Right Hoof" - Introduction to horsemanship program includes riding lessons, grooming, handling, round pen work, and much more!!
Dana Hokana Quarter HorsesTemecula, CA 92592
(951) 237-7369
"Start out on the Right Hoof" - Introduction to horsemanship program includes riding lessons, grooming, handling, round pen work, and much more!!
Temecula, CA
Invested Dimension AQHA reserve world champion western pleasure stallion - horse training videos - horses for sale - maximizing your western pleasure horse - take control how to be a more effective rider - dvds for sale.
KCS Equestrian Center & Riding School(951) 302-9463
danahokana@aol.comInvested Dimension AQHA reserve world champion western pleasure stallion - horse training videos - horses for sale - maximizing your western pleasure horse - take control how to be a more effective rider - dvds for sale.
31805 Temecula Parkway
Temecula, CA 92592
Lessons for all ages and level of riders. Over 15 great lesson horses for both English and western. 100 mature shade trees, lighted arenas, covered crossties, individual tack rooms, and on site manager. Instructor/Owner is an accredited horse show judge with USEF, AHA, AMHA, IFSHA, and PtHa. Safety and horsemanship skills emphasized.
Laurel Ridge Sport Horses, LLC#411
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 302-9983
kcsequestrian@aol.comLessons for all ages and level of riders. Over 15 great lesson horses for both English and western. 100 mature shade trees, lighted arenas, covered crossties, individual tack rooms, and on site manager. Instructor/Owner is an accredited horse show judge with USEF, AHA, AMHA, IFSHA, and PtHa. Safety and horsemanship skills emphasized.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
- Judges

Visit Laurel Ridge Sport Horses, LLC's Facebook Page
37450 Pauba Road
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 212-4300
laura@lrsporthorses.comLaurel Ridge Sport Horses offers top European Warmblood hunters and jumpers for sale. We import the finest German Hanoverian, Oldenburg, Westphalian and French Selle Francais for the American show circuit.

Visit Lease Horse Property's Facebook Page
PO Box 891568
Temecula, CA 92589
(951) 251-5263
bethbarbour@gmail.comLeaseHorseProperty.com is dedicated to horse property for lease or rent. We launched in 2011 and are growing daily. Our desire with LeaseHorseProperty.com is to fill a gap in a much needed world for horse people. Ads for equestrian rental properties seem to be spread out vastly in bits and pieces across many websites. Our goal is to bring it all together in this one site.

Visit Mistikal Marketing Centre, LLC's Facebook Page
Temecula, CA 92592
(541) 840-5597
(855) 303-2722
allyssa@iarabians.comAllyssa Baird has garnered multi-National Championships and Regional Championships in Park, English Pleasure, Country English Pleasure, Driving, Halter, Hunter Pleasure, and Western Pleasure. She is experienced with amateur and youth riders and handlers. Please schedule for a visit - we would love to meet you! The MMC was created solely with the intent purpose of marketing with success in selling some of the industry's most respected and sought after horses on a National and International level. We bring you a more intense approach to attain the results that owners and buyers can agree on. We pride ourselves on offering options for every price range and giving clients the opportunities to achieve their goals. Our passion and enthusiasm goes into every detail of every horse.
29741 Del Rey Rd
Temecula, CA 92591
Nancy offers training and board in the beautiful Temecula Wine Country. Her training is tailered to individual needs, whether a commited novice or an advanced equestrian. The show schedule ranges from County to 'AA' level shows throughout the season.
North American Budenny SocietyTemecula, CA 92591
(951) 795-8481
nancy@nancylucastraining.comNancy offers training and board in the beautiful Temecula Wine Country. Her training is tailered to individual needs, whether a commited novice or an advanced equestrian. The show schedule ranges from County to 'AA' level shows throughout the season.
39775 Intrepid Road
Temecula, CA 92592
Dedicated to the promotion of the Budenny horse through breed demonstrations, articles, and education.
Rancho Pacifica Equestrian CenterTemecula, CA 92592
(949) 933-3339
nabs_info@yahoo.comDedicated to the promotion of the Budenny horse through breed demonstrations, articles, and education.
37055 De Portola Road
Temecula, CA 92592
Rancho Pacifica Equestrian Center is the premier equestrian center in Southwest Riverside County's Temecula area, offering first class horse boarding, training, sales, clinics, lessons, special events and seminars.
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 551-2134
info@ranchopacifica.orgRancho Pacifica Equestrian Center is the premier equestrian center in Southwest Riverside County's Temecula area, offering first class horse boarding, training, sales, clinics, lessons, special events and seminars.
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