Valley Center, California Horse Directory
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Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue

Visit Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue's Facebook Page
28581 Old Ranch Drive
Valley Center, CA 92082
(760) 749-7581
castletonranch@hotmail.comCastleton Ranch Horse Rescue, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing horses from many different situations of abuse or neglect.
26566 Calle De Encinas
Valley Center, CA 92082
Equine assisted psychotherapy, growth & learning.
P.R. Happe' TrainingValley Center, CA 92082
(760) 522-3551 assisted psychotherapy, growth & learning.
PO Box 1143
Valley Center, CA 92082
Comprehensive equine services. Breaking, training, showing, and sales. Specializing in young horses, hunters and jumpers, and Thoroughbred racing. Will take a horse from start to finish.
Valley Center, CA 92082
(760) 518-8806
PHridr@hotmail.comComprehensive equine services. Breaking, training, showing, and sales. Specializing in young horses, hunters and jumpers, and Thoroughbred racing. Will take a horse from start to finish.
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