Vista, California Horse Directory
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Camulos Farm
1869 Adriana Ct
Vista, CA 92081
Located in San Marcos, Camulos Farm offers a wide variety of services to all levels of horse and rider. Specialists in dressage and hunters/jumpers. We have boarding, lessons, and partial leases available. Catering to the adult rider, we have a wonderful atmosphere and a safe environment. Boarding/training packages available, as well as lessons and strict boarding. We have access to world class trainers, but provide services for reasonable prices.
HorsePixsVista, CA 92081
(760) 484-6564
(609) 841-5491
sara@camulosfarm.comLocated in San Marcos, Camulos Farm offers a wide variety of services to all levels of horse and rider. Specialists in dressage and hunters/jumpers. We have boarding, lessons, and partial leases available. Catering to the adult rider, we have a wonderful atmosphere and a safe environment. Boarding/training packages available, as well as lessons and strict boarding. We have access to world class trainers, but provide services for reasonable prices.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
2323 Via Subria
Vista, CA 92084
Horse show photographer available for your horse shows. Mobile photo studio with on site printing of your classes. Ranch calls. Please visit my web site. Call me for your next event.
Kathys Show Equipment / Diamond D SaddleryVista, CA 92084
(760) 803-8024
chb1000@aol.comHorse show photographer available for your horse shows. Mobile photo studio with on site printing of your classes. Ranch calls. Please visit my web site. Call me for your next event.

Visit Kathys Show Equipment / Diamond D Saddlery's Facebook Page
2402 Ramona Drive
Vista, CA 92084
(760) 726-9560

Visit Sterling Farms Dressage's Facebook Page
1160 Little Gopher Canyon Rd
Vista, CA 92084
(760) 726-7253
jane@sterlingfarmsinc.comA top-quality dressage training facility in North County San Diego provides excellent stabling for your horse, an international size dressage arena with superior arena footing, and a peaceful location to ride and work with a professional trainer.
1358 Fern Place
Vista, CA 92081
EquineUnlimited Horse Appraisal Service provides professional appraisal services to businesses and horsemen coast to coast. We appraise horses for litigation, insurance, sales, purchases, donation, IRS, or other needs. We have extensive knowledge in various breeds of horses and disciplines. All appraisals are done by a certified ASEA horse appraiser.We are horse value experts! Please visit us on the web. Contact us today for a free quote.
Majestic Farms LLCVista, CA 92081
(760) 828-7187
heidi@equineunlimited.comEquineUnlimited Horse Appraisal Service provides professional appraisal services to businesses and horsemen coast to coast. We appraise horses for litigation, insurance, sales, purchases, donation, IRS, or other needs. We have extensive knowledge in various breeds of horses and disciplines. All appraisals are done by a certified ASEA horse appraiser.We are horse value experts! Please visit us on the web. Contact us today for a free quote.
Vista, CA 92081
Training, lessons, and sales:
Eric Antman and Austin Eversman, trainers/instructors, grew up as horse crazy children who could never get enough time in the saddle. Today, that love of horses has translated into a dream come true, Majestic Farms LLC. Eric and Austin are passing on the knowledge they have gained through academic and hands on experience to raise competent and confident equestrians. The central location in northern San Diego County allows for easy access and cool ocean breezes. Majestic Farms is the location where people come to learn to ride, further equestrian knowledge, and grow into national and world champions. Other equine professionals purchase their next champion at Majestic Farms because they believe this is where the West Coast's top young stock are born and raised. Trainers from all over the country inquire to purchase current west coast champions made at Majestic Farms. Majestic Farms is an industry leader in young stock, show horses, and riding lessons.
Renegades TackWest Coast Veterinary Eye Specialists Inc. / Dr. Brendan G. Mangan(760) 732-0334
(619) 517-2526
majesticfarmsllc@gmail.comTraining, lessons, and sales:
Eric Antman and Austin Eversman, trainers/instructors, grew up as horse crazy children who could never get enough time in the saddle. Today, that love of horses has translated into a dream come true, Majestic Farms LLC. Eric and Austin are passing on the knowledge they have gained through academic and hands on experience to raise competent and confident equestrians. The central location in northern San Diego County allows for easy access and cool ocean breezes. Majestic Farms is the location where people come to learn to ride, further equestrian knowledge, and grow into national and world champions. Other equine professionals purchase their next champion at Majestic Farms because they believe this is where the West Coast's top young stock are born and raised. Trainers from all over the country inquire to purchase current west coast champions made at Majestic Farms. Majestic Farms is an industry leader in young stock, show horses, and riding lessons.
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions
- American Saddlebred Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Saddleseat Stables
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
Vista, CA 92084
Veterinary ophthalmology practice limited to the medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases in the horse and prepurchase eye examinations. Services are provided in southern California on an ambulatory basis or at a referral hospital. Please consult with your veterinarian for the proper referral.
(760) 305-8768
bgmangan@yahoo.comVeterinary ophthalmology practice limited to the medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases in the horse and prepurchase eye examinations. Services are provided in southern California on an ambulatory basis or at a referral hospital. Please consult with your veterinarian for the proper referral.
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