Douglas County, Colorado Horse Directory
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A Bit of Tack
12543 N. State Hwy 83
Suite 216
Parker, CO 80134
Quality English horse tack & horse supplies for the equestrian - We speak horse!
Advanced Infrared - Equine ThermographySuite 216
Parker, CO 80134
(303) 841-9128
(866) 766-8225
Quality English horse tack & horse supplies for the equestrian - We speak horse!

Visit Advanced Infrared - Equine Thermography's Facebook Page
Aurora, CO 80013
(303) 378-5358
jeff@advanced-ir.comBefore thermography, veterinarians could only locate problems using traditional methods such as observation and palpation. Now, using advanced equine thermography, abnormalities present stressed tissues even before damage occurs.
Since animals cannot speak, it has been difficult for caretakers to truly identify hidden or masked conditions. Now with infrared thermal imaging, many of these physiological and anatomical issues are exposed at a much earlier stage. Early detection equals early prevention. Physiological imaging, such as infrared imaging, has the ability to not only see tissue conditions but can also recognize areas that are indicative to anatomical issues.

Visit Aurora Horsemen's Association's Facebook Page
Salisbury Equestrian Center
9500 Motsenbocker Rd
Parker, CO 80134
Open Breed Horse Shows put on 5 times a year, May - Sept. Features English, Western, Halter, Showmanship, Trail class, and 5 Gymkhana classes daily. High Point and Reserve daily and year end awards.
1753 Hogan Ct
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Barns by Lawson proudly serves Colorado and southern Wyoming. Quality strength and design.
Black Kettle RanchCastle Rock, CO 80109
(720) 733-9337
mike@barnsbylawson.comBarns by Lawson proudly serves Colorado and southern Wyoming. Quality strength and design.

Visit Black Kettle Ranch's Facebook Page
11413 E Hilltop Rd
Parker, CO 80134
(303) 274-0224
tcc@isp.comBoarding, Breeding, Clinics, Lessons, and Training.
Black Kettle Ranch is a full-service, multi-discipline boarding and lesson facility in beautiful Parker, CO. Stall and pasture boarding are available. Boarders have access to all the amenities including indoor and outdoor arenas, heated tack space and bathroom, and rest area. Trailer parking is free. Lessons and training needed? The owner/trainer, Tina Huston, lives on the facility and keeps close watch on the horses. Tina has over 30 years of experience teaching, competing, and training in multiple disciplines. Beginner to advanced of all ages benefit from Tina's instruction. How can we be of service to you?
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Art
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Horse Training Stables
Franktown, CO 80116
Custom builder of barns, indoor arenas, garages, etc.
Colorado Equine Lawyers(303) 663-1594
info@cocustombuilder.comCustom builder of barns, indoor arenas, garages, etc.
18 S Wilcox St #200
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Based in Douglas County, Colorado, our Colorado equine lawyers assist all types of clients in equestrian law issues.
Crooked Willow FarmsCastle Rock, CO 80104
(303) 688-3045
Based in Douglas County, Colorado, our Colorado equine lawyers assist all types of clients in equestrian law issues.

Visit Crooked Willow Farms' Facebook Page
10554 South Perry Park Road
Larkspur, CO 80118
(303) 681-2209
shs@crookedwillowfarms.comCrooked Willow Farms provides quality sport horse breeding stock and available sport horses in the United States and abroad.
- Hanoverian Breeders and Stallions
- Holsteiner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- German Riding Pony Breeders and Stallions
5450 East Best Road
Larkspur, CO 80118
The Douglas and Elbert County Horse Council established to give horse owners a say in the process which affects how they use and enjoy their horses.
EquesTraining at Stellar Pony Club Riding CenterLarkspur, CO 80118
The Douglas and Elbert County Horse Council established to give horse owners a say in the process which affects how they use and enjoy their horses.
11230 Daley Circle
Parker, CO 80134
EquesTraining at Stellar Pony Club Riding Center specializes in correct riding and vaulting for all disciplines. Children and adults are accepted. Stellar PCRC is an approved facility of the United States Pony Club. Students do not have to own their own horse to participate and compete in our programs.
Parker, CO 80134
(720) 851-4925
(720) 785-0980
shequestar@gmail.comEquesTraining at Stellar Pony Club Riding Center specializes in correct riding and vaulting for all disciplines. Children and adults are accepted. Stellar PCRC is an approved facility of the United States Pony Club. Students do not have to own their own horse to participate and compete in our programs.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Pony Clubs
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Vaulting Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
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