Jefferson County, Colorado Horse Directory
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Anchorage Farm
12889 S Parker Ave
Pine, CO 80470
Rocky Mountains, Colorado - Anchorage Farm is a working guest ranch offering bed and breakfast lodging, horseback riding, and lessons in Pine, CO.
Animal Assisted Therapy Programs of ColoradoPine, CO 80470
(303) 838-5430
Kris@AnchorageFarm.comRocky Mountains, Colorado - Anchorage Farm is a working guest ranch offering bed and breakfast lodging, horseback riding, and lessons in Pine, CO.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding

Visit Animal Assisted Therapy Programs of Colorado's Facebook Page
1540 Race Street
Denver, CO 80206
(720) 266-4444
info@aatpc.comWe offer both equine assisted psychotherapy and therapeutic riding at our ranch in Lakewood, CO, as well as other counseling services, all with the assistance of trained therapy animals. We work with children, teens, adults and seniors with a range of physical and psychological issues.
11778 Wonder Drive
Conifer, CO 80433
Offers guided horseback rides for adults & children in a private secluded setting. We also do birthday parties and special events up to 20 guests. Reservations required; open May to October. Located approximately 17 miles from metro Denver up Hwy 285 southbound. Call for appointments and further info.
Foxton MorgansGoldun Quarter HorsesConifer, CO 80433
(303) 588-2551
bearmtnstables@wildblue.netOffers guided horseback rides for adults & children in a private secluded setting. We also do birthday parties and special events up to 20 guests. Reservations required; open May to October. Located approximately 17 miles from metro Denver up Hwy 285 southbound. Call for appointments and further info.
4675 Easley Road
Golden, CO 80403
Specializing in Poco Bueno bloodlines. Jaz Poco Goldun Blue, producing Grulla with color and dun factor.
Holistic Retirement Home for Beloved HorsesGolden, CO 80403
(303) 279-0700
Specializing in Poco Bueno bloodlines. Jaz Poco Goldun Blue, producing Grulla with color and dun factor.
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80454
Your horse's serenity and health comes first on my organic home farm in pristine Red Feather Lakes!
Vigilant watch, handsome facility, grooming, blanketing, organic feed, and free-choice hay.
Individual appropriate care, handling, enrichment, and pair-bond living for your special horse.
Holistic care via Cell Salts, Bach's Essences, Homeopathics, Non-Toxic Dewormers, and Equine Immunity Nosodes.
Excellent upkeep of grounds and kempt footing in spacious wood board paddocks. Timber barns in old growth pine fortresses kept open for free-choice turnout and exercise.
Excellent team of holistic and conventional pros, mobile vet, CSU Equine Hospital teams, homeopathist, dentist, chiropractor, and services in acupuncture, massage, nutrition, barefoot hoof care, and emergency services.
Your horse will have compassionate care and be allowed to permanently pair-bond with a choice horse for constant friendship.
Owners are delightfully welcomed he
Metal Building Outlet(970) 881-2090
behorsewise@gmail.comYour horse's serenity and health comes first on my organic home farm in pristine Red Feather Lakes!
Vigilant watch, handsome facility, grooming, blanketing, organic feed, and free-choice hay.
Individual appropriate care, handling, enrichment, and pair-bond living for your special horse.
Holistic care via Cell Salts, Bach's Essences, Homeopathics, Non-Toxic Dewormers, and Equine Immunity Nosodes.
Excellent upkeep of grounds and kempt footing in spacious wood board paddocks. Timber barns in old growth pine fortresses kept open for free-choice turnout and exercise.
Excellent team of holistic and conventional pros, mobile vet, CSU Equine Hospital teams, homeopathist, dentist, chiropractor, and services in acupuncture, massage, nutrition, barefoot hoof care, and emergency services.
Your horse will have compassionate care and be allowed to permanently pair-bond with a choice horse for constant friendship.
Owners are delightfully welcomed he
10488 West Centennial Road
Littleton, CO 80127 is a leading provider of steel buildings and metal buildings including prefabricated metal buildings and accessories. Build your own metal building with our free online tools, or get free quotes on metal building prices.
O'Keeffe ImagingLittleton, CO 80127 is a leading provider of steel buildings and metal buildings including prefabricated metal buildings and accessories. Build your own metal building with our free online tools, or get free quotes on metal building prices.

Visit O'Keeffe Imaging's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 876
Indian Hills, CO 80454
(970) 776-0306
virginia@okeeffeimaging.comI provide artful, innovative high-quality portraits of horses, with or without their humans, and equine performance events.
P.O. Box 1432
Golden, CO 80402
Jefferson County Horse CouncilGolden, CO 80402
(303) 517-3129
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