La Plata County, Colorado Horse Directory
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Spring Creek Horse Rescue

39908 US Hwy 160
Bayfield, CO 81122
(970) 884-4425
springcreekhorserescue@yahoo.comSpring Creek Horse Rescue is a nonprofit horse shelter located in Bayfield, Colorado, near Durango. Our goal is to save abused and neglected horses. We have a number of horses for adoption.
Paint horse enthusiasts in southwest Colorado promoting sportsmanship in all horse endeavors. Open shows, trail clinics, and gymkhanas suitable for all age groups and breeds.
51 Haviland Lake Road
Durango, CO 81301
Horseback trail rides for all skill levels, horse drawn sleigh rides through breathtaking snowscapes in handmade sleds, and horse carriage services.
Durango, CO 81301
(970) 247-8454
annerapp@frontier.netHorseback trail rides for all skill levels, horse drawn sleigh rides through breathtaking snowscapes in handmade sleds, and horse carriage services.
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