Loma, Colorado Horse Directory
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Flying Y Ranch
1640 P Rd
Loma, CO 81524
Hello, my name is Ami. I run the Flying Y Ranch located outside of Loma, CO. I personally have been saving, training, and rehabilitating horses since I can remember. Approximately 3 years ago, I came across a "rescue" that was barely maintaining its 79 head of horses. It didn't take long before I became the primary source of income. Needless to say, here I am with the horses. I am taking a totally different approach. I use these horses for community outreach programs - on hold due to a broken hip I acquired late in 2009. I have 32 horses right now; that doesn't include my personal horses and a couple permanent residents. That number will grow. I don't want to get in over my head. I'm still the primary source of income. They stay on the property with me. Some of the horses have been abandoned, abused, or starved. My big source and passion is saving horses from slaughter and educating the public to help stop abuse.
Loma, CO 81524
(970) 618-8881
flyingyranch@wildblue.netHello, my name is Ami. I run the Flying Y Ranch located outside of Loma, CO. I personally have been saving, training, and rehabilitating horses since I can remember. Approximately 3 years ago, I came across a "rescue" that was barely maintaining its 79 head of horses. It didn't take long before I became the primary source of income. Needless to say, here I am with the horses. I am taking a totally different approach. I use these horses for community outreach programs - on hold due to a broken hip I acquired late in 2009. I have 32 horses right now; that doesn't include my personal horses and a couple permanent residents. That number will grow. I don't want to get in over my head. I'm still the primary source of income. They stay on the property with me. Some of the horses have been abandoned, abused, or starved. My big source and passion is saving horses from slaughter and educating the public to help stop abuse.
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