Bethany, Connecticut Horse Directory
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The Lexington Horse

Visit The Lexington Horse's Facebook Page
79 Rainbow Rd
Bethany, CT 06524
(866) 898-4311
info@lexingtonhorse.comSince 1999, The Lexington Horse, Inc. has provided the equestrian with easy, on-line shopping featuring the highest quality riding apparel, horse tack and saddlery, horse clothing, leather cleaners/conditioners, and gifts from premier manufacturers such as The Tailored Sportsman, JPC Equestrian, Mountain Horse, SSG Riding Gloves, Kerrits, and Henri De Rivel.
Bethany, CT 06524
Showing and breeding Portuguese Water Dogs, Miniature Horses, and Gouldian Finches.
Double H
Showing and breeding Portuguese Water Dogs, Miniature Horses, and Gouldian Finches.
80 Litchfield Tpke
Bethany, CT 06524
Welcome to Double H Farm - New England's Home For Gaited Horses.
Specializing in well trained gaited horses.
Boarding available for all breeds $550 per month.
Relaxed atmosphere with all day turnout. Barn features matted stalls, heated water buckets, ceiling fans, fly misters and even heated tack room!
Grounds are equipped with round pen, large riding arena and access to trails. If you would like to set up an appointment please contact Denise (203) 745-3002 or visit our website. References available upon request.
Bethany, CT 06524
(203) 745-3002
www.doublehfarm.netWelcome to Double H Farm - New England's Home For Gaited Horses.
Specializing in well trained gaited horses.
Boarding available for all breeds $550 per month.
Relaxed atmosphere with all day turnout. Barn features matted stalls, heated water buckets, ceiling fans, fly misters and even heated tack room!
Grounds are equipped with round pen, large riding arena and access to trails. If you would like to set up an appointment please contact Denise (203) 745-3002 or visit our website. References available upon request.
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