Micanopy, Florida Horse Directory
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Just One Look Farm

Visit Just One Look Farm's Facebook Page
Micanopy, FL 32667
Equine retirement and hunter/jumper facility. Private equine retirement program. Total care for the senior horse. 35 acre farm. Every horse has a 15'x15' stall, t/a hay, grain, worming program, regular grooming, certified equine massage therapist on site, and more! Please see website for more details.
- Stables and Horse Farms
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- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
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- Retirement Farms
- Horse Leasing Stables
Micanopy, FL 32667
Greengate Farm Carriage Service, LLC provides professional horse drawn carriage services for your Florida wedding or special event.
(352) 466-9109
greengate@bellsouth.netGreengate Farm Carriage Service, LLC provides professional horse drawn carriage services for your Florida wedding or special event.
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