Lake Geneva, Florida Horse Directory
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Certified Master Saddle Fitters Florida

Visit Certified Master Saddle Fitters Florida's Facebook Page
Lake Geneva, FL 32160
(859) 325-5862
(904) 614-6528
saddlefit@saddlefit.usHaving a combined experience of over twenty years, we can help save you much time and money in finding the right saddle for you and your horse. Not only have we an in-depth knowledge of how the industry works, but we know the options needed that are available to get the correct fit. We just give you the pure facts. On-site flocking adjustments (no down time) and many years of experience to tackle the most difficult of situations; we have seen it all. We work out of a 32' RV, so we have everything with us to service your needs. We are independent, so we will not allow any one brand of saddle to sway our recommendations.
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