Middleburg, Florida Horse Directory
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Hope Therapy

Visit Hope Therapy's Facebook Page
1591 Big Branch Rd
Middleburg, FL 32068
(904) 291-6784
hopetherapy@bellsouth.netHope Therapy is a provider of hippotherapy that is located in northeast Florida. In addition, we are a Premier Accredited Center member of NARHA.
Hippotherapy - physical therapy with help of a horse.
1584 Dogwood Lane
Middleburg, FL 32068
Pinto Carriage Works is a horse drawn carriage service specializing in events like weddings, proms, birthday parties, QuinceaƱeras, and more.
Middleburg, FL 32068
(904) 302-0502
(904) 222-5272
info@pintocarriageworks.comPinto Carriage Works is a horse drawn carriage service specializing in events like weddings, proms, birthday parties, QuinceaƱeras, and more.
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