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Equiderma - "The World's Greatest Equine Products"

Visit Equiderma - "The World's Greatest Equine Products"'s Facebook Page
421 NW Bailey Grade Rd
32331 Greenville FL
(850) 948-2800
(850) 464-1993
customerservice@equiderma.comI'm Bethany Padgett, CEO, founder and formulator of Equiderma Products. I've been a horse woman and devoted to animals all of my life. I used to own and operate a respected equestrian center for dressage and hunter/jumper in central Florida, and during that time founded a 501c3 rescue for all animals in need. That was twenty years ago and where this amazing journey began. Every day, I devoted myself to healing the animals in my care. Over time, I became more and more frustrated with the grooming and skin care products available to me. Like many of you can most likely relate, I had a medicine cabinet filled with products that failed to deliver on their claims. Meanwhile, there was an animal that continued to suffer from the lack. With so many animals relying on me, I finally had enough. Necessity truly was the mother of invention, and I decided to make it my life's mission to create products that performed quickly, effectively, predictably, and most of all, painlessly. Equiderma Skin Lotion was my first product, born for my own personal use in my barns, but as fate would have it, there was a business there. It quickly became the go to solution at our rescue and equestrian center, and you could often hear voices ringing out "Hey Bethany, where's your blue stuff!" Since that time, Equiderma has grown in product line and ethos, and I've found my life's purpose and passion along the way. I am now able to help animals on a much broader scale. Words cannot fully express how rewarding that is. The onus for each product was a particular animal in my care. I will always remember them and am grateful for this beautiful business they helped me create. Each and every one of our products has been carefully and intelligently formulated to deliver superior performance for a specific purpose. I believe they are the absolute best equine grooming products on the market. Period.
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