Citra, Florida Horse Directory
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Centerline Sporthorses
4411 W Highway 318
Citra, FL 32113
Oak Lane FarmCitra, FL 32113
(352) 591-0320

Visit Oak Lane Farm's Facebook Page
Tobitha Yeomans
3351 NW 165th St
Citra, FL 32113
(352) 572-4139
tobitha@oaklanefarm.us750 acres of beautiful riding terrain through fields and woods. Located in Citra, FL. Oak Lane Farm offers housing options, RV hookups, and barns with dry stalls and turnouts. Riding arena, jumps, and miles of trails for tenants' use. Call today for availability.
1750 NW 165th Street
Citra, FL 32113
Pure Lusitanos. Shangrila Farm is conveniently located near Ocala, Florida. We have 28 acres of mineral rich soil, moderate climate, ancient oak trees, and lush pastureland creating the ideal environment for our Lusitano horses. We breed, train and sell purebred Lusitanos with quality bloodlines from Portugal, Mexico, and Brazil. We offer a limited number of Lusitano horses for sale from young stock to horses that are trained in the discipline best suited for the individual horse: dressage and hunter/jumper as well as combined training. We stand two Lusitano stallions: "Exaustivo" 100% Alter Real breed stallion imported from Portugal and "Veneno Imperial" a Veiga buckskin imported from Brazil.
CR Munson Horse TransportCitra, FL 32113
(352) 591-6088
info@purelusitanos.comPure Lusitanos. Shangrila Farm is conveniently located near Ocala, Florida. We have 28 acres of mineral rich soil, moderate climate, ancient oak trees, and lush pastureland creating the ideal environment for our Lusitano horses. We breed, train and sell purebred Lusitanos with quality bloodlines from Portugal, Mexico, and Brazil. We offer a limited number of Lusitano horses for sale from young stock to horses that are trained in the discipline best suited for the individual horse: dressage and hunter/jumper as well as combined training. We stand two Lusitano stallions: "Exaustivo" 100% Alter Real breed stallion imported from Portugal and "Veneno Imperial" a Veiga buckskin imported from Brazil.
Citra, FL 32113
35 years experience handling and transporting all breeds of horse from race, show to draft. All new equipment, cleaned and sanitized between every horse. We guarantee the best professional service for the safety and comfort of your horse.
35 years experience handling and transporting all breeds of horse from race, show to draft. All new equipment, cleaned and sanitized between every horse. We guarantee the best professional service for the safety and comfort of your horse.
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