Martin County, Florida Horse Directory
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Absolute Equestrians, LLC.
3750 SW Moore Street
Palm City, FL 34990
Boarding stable, rehabilitation and rest, and other equine services. Facilities include a covered riding arena, a jump arena, and great turnout.
Florida Trail Riding on HorsebackPalm City, FL 34990
(772) 223-3045
aequestrians@bellsouth.netBoarding stable, rehabilitation and rest, and other equine services. Facilities include a covered riding arena, a jump arena, and great turnout.

Visit Florida Trail Riding on Horseback's Facebook Page
119073 SW Martin Grade Hwy
Okeechobee, FL 34984
(256) 577-9441
flhorserides@yahoo.comGuided Trail Rides on Horseback
Group Size: 2 - 5 Riders
Price Range: $55 - $65 / Rider (as of 2012)
- Fredrick Douglass Beach, Fort Pierce, FlL
- Allapattah Flats, Martin County, FL
- Blue Field, Okeechobee, FL
- Dupree, Martin County, FL
Trail ride typically lasts for 3-5 hours. Lunch break can be arranged upon request. Beverages will be carried by trail guides and will be made available throughout the ride.
Jessy Remsburg

Visit Harbour Ridge Equine's Facebook Page
Palm City, FL 34991
(561) 744-9026
harbourridgeequine@gmail.comBased in Palm City, Florida, Harbour Ridge Equine is a full service equine mobile veterinary practice providing ambulatory services for your horse, including lameness, reproduction, dentistry, emergencies, preventative care, and general medicine. Providing services to horses in Martin, Palm Beach, and St Lucie counties.
4955 SW Hammock Creek Drive
Palm City, FL 34990
Training, lessons, parties, and clinics.
"I understand that every horse and rider is unique. By carefully learning you and your horse's individual personality and abilities, I tailor each training session to meet you and your horse's specific needs and help you reach both of your full potentials".
Palmer Equine: Independant Saddle FitterPalm City, FL 34990
(772) 260-2646
heelsdownplease@yahoo.comTraining, lessons, parties, and clinics.
"I understand that every horse and rider is unique. By carefully learning you and your horse's individual personality and abilities, I tailor each training session to meet you and your horse's specific needs and help you reach both of your full potentials".
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
7405 SW Citrus Blvd
Palm City, FL 34990
On-site saddle flocking, re-balancing, and fitting evaluations. I don't sell saddles, and my aim is to try, if possible, to make your saddle fit you and your horse as well as it can do. If your saddle simply won't work, then I can advise you as to which brand and style of saddle would suit you both.
Payson Park Thoroughbred Training CenterPalm City, FL 34990
(772) 224-6950
louise@palmerequine.comOn-site saddle flocking, re-balancing, and fitting evaluations. I don't sell saddles, and my aim is to try, if possible, to make your saddle fit you and your horse as well as it can do. If your saddle simply won't work, then I can advise you as to which brand and style of saddle would suit you both.

9700 SW Kanner Highway
Indiantown, FL 34956
payson@happyhorseswin.comPayson Park Thoroughbred Training Center in Indiantown, Florida, is the winter place to be for horses and trainers looking for an extra edge over their competition. We like to say "Happy Horses Win." Find out why Payson Park is considered "Club Med for horses"!
Happy Horses Win!

Visit Sunlight Saddle Club and Equestrian Center's Facebook Page
6650 SW Kanner Hwy
Stuart, FL 34956
(772) 781-5429
(561) 909-7363
SunlightSaddle@wildblue.netA state of the art facility! We offer just about every discipline under the sun - hunters, jumpers, dressage, western, polo, cross country, and trail riding, as well as a full service riding school. We have 5 barns with 79 stalls total (there is a boarding option for every need), 22 pasture stalls (horses get a stall and 3 acre turnout), several paddocks and pastures, 4 riding rings (1 hunter, 1 jumper, 1 baby ring, and 1 western arena), MILES of trails, and natural jumps, all in a relaxed family oriented atmosphere!
Sunlight Saddle Club also has a "show club" for all of our students who are competing. The kids learn all the ins and outs of the horse show world.
Our farm seconds as a horse show facility!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
4974 Leighton Farms RD
Palm City, FL 34953
Sunny Time Stables offers lessons catering to each client's needs. All ages are welcome, English - hunt seat, dressage, & western. We also teach the special needs client. Our horses are especially well trained to handle any handicapped need, so you can enjoy your ride. We teach many groups such as ARC, Teen Challenge, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts. I have 30 yrs. of professional experience. We board horses. We are a friendly group. We show in Wellington. Summer camp - full/part time. Affordably priced.
Twin Rivers Saddle Club - TRSCPalm City, FL 34953
(772) 621-0067
sunnytimestables@hotmail.comSunny Time Stables offers lessons catering to each client's needs. All ages are welcome, English - hunt seat, dressage, & western. We also teach the special needs client. Our horses are especially well trained to handle any handicapped need, so you can enjoy your ride. We teach many groups such as ARC, Teen Challenge, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts. I have 30 yrs. of professional experience. We board horses. We are a friendly group. We show in Wellington. Summer camp - full/part time. Affordably priced.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
Palm City, FL 34991
Hosting schooling shows for over 40 years.
Pate's Pastures(772) 214-7118
twinriverssaddleclub@gmail.comHosting schooling shows for over 40 years.
3956 SW Honey Terrace
Palm City, FL 34990
Here at Pate's Pastures, we offer full and pasture boarding in a private loving environment in Palm City, Florida. My wife Sara and I live on the premises and care for the animals 24/7. Our wonderful farm is protected by a security entry gate along with our watch dog, "Smokey". We are located on a dirt road adjacent to miles of trails. If you are looking for a quiet, private, and low traffic farm to hang your hat, Pates Pastures could be the place for you!
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 233-8767
patespastures@gmail.comHere at Pate's Pastures, we offer full and pasture boarding in a private loving environment in Palm City, Florida. My wife Sara and I live on the premises and care for the animals 24/7. Our wonderful farm is protected by a security entry gate along with our watch dog, "Smokey". We are located on a dirt road adjacent to miles of trails. If you are looking for a quiet, private, and low traffic farm to hang your hat, Pates Pastures could be the place for you!
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