Okeechobee, Florida Horse Directory
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Florida Trail Riding on Horseback

Visit Florida Trail Riding on Horseback's Facebook Page
119073 SW Martin Grade Hwy
Okeechobee, FL 34984
(256) 577-9441
flhorserides@yahoo.comGuided Trail Rides on Horseback
Group Size: 2 - 5 Riders
Price Range: $55 - $65 / Rider (as of 2012)
- Fredrick Douglass Beach, Fort Pierce, FlL
- Allapattah Flats, Martin County, FL
- Blue Field, Okeechobee, FL
- Dupree, Martin County, FL
Trail ride typically lasts for 3-5 hours. Lunch break can be arranged upon request. Beverages will be carried by trail guides and will be made available throughout the ride.
Jessy Remsburg
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