Hudson, Florida Horse Directory
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Advanced Equine Dentistry & Vet Services Inc

Visit Advanced Equine Dentistry & Vet Services Inc's Facebook Page
13223 Sunfish Drive
Hudson, FL 34667
(727) 514-0462
advancedequinedentist@yahoo.comDr. Jay Clifford, DVM & Richard Grist, CEqD, are now taking advanced equine dentistry to the next level. Their practice offers one of the first ever air-conditioned, mobile dentistry/vet hospitals. See and experience the difference for yourself. See why you will NEVER settle for a "routine float" again!
Our new mobile equine hospital, the Med-E-Vet EQ-28, is designed with the safety and comfort of your horse in mind. It is complete with many features that allow you, the horse owner, to relax and observe your horse receiving the top quality care that he/she deserves.
No more holding your own horse's head up while he/she is sedated. No more sweating and straining in the hot Florida sun. Now our clients can relax in a cool, controlled environment while your horse is treated with the utmost professional care. Mobile equine dentistry.
13116 Oakwood Dr
Hudson, FL 34669
Equine Assisted Therapy, farm birthday parties, and pony rides.
Old Dixie Farm & StablesHudson, FL 34669
(727) 645-2819
vegasman717@yahoo.comEquine Assisted Therapy, farm birthday parties, and pony rides.
- Stables and Horse Farms
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- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
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