Oak Hill, Florida Horse Directory
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Clinton Circle C Ranch
Oak Hill, FL 32759
Clinton's Circle ~C~ Ranch is accepting horses in need of boarding. We GUARANTEE to beat what you are paying now! (as of July 2009) Just email or phone me and tell me where you board now and for how much. With the rising cost of living, we are trying to help horse lovers by reducing our boarding prices. This should help you with the cost of feed, hay, and/or gas. High and dry grounds. Over 180 surrounding acres. Round pen, arena, tack room & obstacle course.
(386) 689-0422
(386) 345-2068
clintonranch@peoplepc.comClinton's Circle ~C~ Ranch is accepting horses in need of boarding. We GUARANTEE to beat what you are paying now! (as of July 2009) Just email or phone me and tell me where you board now and for how much. With the rising cost of living, we are trying to help horse lovers by reducing our boarding prices. This should help you with the cost of feed, hay, and/or gas. High and dry grounds. Over 180 surrounding acres. Round pen, arena, tack room & obstacle course.
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