Ormond Bch, Florida Horse Directory
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GotYaPhoto Photography

Visit GotYaPhoto Photography's Facebook Page
142 East Granada Blvd
Suite 206
Ormond Bch, FL 32174
(386) 214-6245
gotyaphoto@bellsouth.netDan and Kimberly Phipps are Florida horse photographers. Gotyaphoto.com captures exceptional equine photography for equestrian events, horse shows, dressage, trail, racehorse, Western, English, hunter/jumper, and equine portraits. Capturing the true showmanship of the horse and rider is crucial when photographing horses and equestrian events. The dedication and devotion of the equine enthusiast that is poured out in that ring or on that jumping course is truly a phenomenal sight. Where else can an animal and human unite with such grace or precision?
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