Kennesaw, Georgia Horse Directory
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On Impulse Equine, LLC Saddle Fitting
Visit On Impulse Equine, LLC Saddle Fitting's Facebook Page
Kennesaw, GA 30152
(770) 335-2502
onimpulsemassage@hotmail.comDena Owens is a certified saddle fitter providing on-site independent evaluation of saddle fit for any brand of saddle.
A saddle fitting will include:
- History of both horse and rider
- Symmetry and palpation evaluation
- Movement evaluation
- Tracings and templates
- Evaluation of integrity of saddle(s)
- Static saddle fit evaluation with horse square
- Dynamic evaluation of horse & rider
- Onsite adjustments to flocking
- Suggestions for padding or other alternatives as needed
Other services include:
- On-site flocking
- Complete Re-flock using 100% wool
- Conversions from Foam, Cair, or Flair to wool
- Billet replacement
Dena is also a certified equine massage therapist.
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