Greensboro, Georgia Horse Directory
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Paradise Acres
Greensboro, GA 30642
We offer everything you need. Alfalfa hay, 10 stall barn, wash rack, hot and cold water, paddocks, pasture, and automatic water. Semi accessible. 8 miles from Madison, Ga. 25 Miles from Athens, Ga.
David - 801-725-7640
Nick - 801-791-5411
(801) 725-7640
(801) 791-5411
David@Davidhelmuth.comWe offer everything you need. Alfalfa hay, 10 stall barn, wash rack, hot and cold water, paddocks, pasture, and automatic water. Semi accessible. 8 miles from Madison, Ga. 25 Miles from Athens, Ga.
David - 801-725-7640
Nick - 801-791-5411
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