Jasper County, Georgia Horse Directory
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Morton & Son Forge & Farrier
PO Box 546
Monticello, GA 31064
AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier serving the southeast since 2002. Now accepting haul-in clients as well as a limited number of large barn accounts. The shop is located 20 minutes south of I-20 in Madison, GA and 30 minutes northeast of I-75 in Forsyth, GA. Call for more details. Specializing in English performance horses as well as western performance and lameness.
Monticello, GA 31064
(678) 233-4201
AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier serving the southeast since 2002. Now accepting haul-in clients as well as a limited number of large barn accounts. The shop is located 20 minutes south of I-20 in Madison, GA and 30 minutes northeast of I-75 in Forsyth, GA. Call for more details. Specializing in English performance horses as well as western performance and lameness.
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