Dahlonega, Georgia Horse Directory
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Gab Creek Farm

Visit Gab Creek Farm's Facebook Page
539 Gab Creek Farm Road
Dahlonega, GA 30533
(706) 864-3690
672 Old Dahlonega Hwy
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Garland Farms Dressage offers 160 acres of beautiful land for sale. We are located in Dahlonega, GA, in the rolling foothills of the North Georgia mountains, about 60 minutes north of Atlanta.
Lucky Mountain RanchDahlonega, GA 30533
(775) 233-7871
600whale@gmail.comGarland Farms Dressage offers 160 acres of beautiful land for sale. We are located in Dahlonega, GA, in the rolling foothills of the North Georgia mountains, about 60 minutes north of Atlanta.
218 John Dowdy Rd
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Professional, experienced, natural horse care. 30 acres. Awesome mountain pastures next to endless trails through Chatahoochee National Forest. Newly remodeled free choice horse barn, lots of storage, and tack room. Looking for great horse people to keep their horses here and ride with us.
Precision Barn Builders, LLCDahlonega, GA 30533
(770) 862-7636
calbilly75@yahoo.comProfessional, experienced, natural horse care. 30 acres. Awesome mountain pastures next to endless trails through Chatahoochee National Forest. Newly remodeled free choice horse barn, lots of storage, and tack room. Looking for great horse people to keep their horses here and ride with us.
P. O. Box 786
Dahlonega, GA 30528
Precision Barn Builders, LLC specializes in horse barn construction and farm structure building throughout North Georgia.
Georgia BarnDahlonega, GA 30528
(706) 974-1074
damon@precisionbarnbuilders.comPrecision Barn Builders, LLC specializes in horse barn construction and farm structure building throughout North Georgia.
Dahlonega, GA 30533
(706) 867-8192
(877) 5GA-BARN
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