Hawaii Horse Directory
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APHA Zone 2 Coordinating CommitteeHawaii Farm and Ranch Real Estate
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Hawaii. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.

Visit Kendra's Facebook Page
(707) 338-7153
countysaddlery@yahoo.comCounty Saddlery representative. County Saddles - The Best for Backs. Your horse is even better than you think! County can prove it. Call Kendra to come to your barn and fit you and your horse for a saddle that makes a difference in performance and comfort. Try out demo models with the assistance of a master saddle fitter to see what works for you and your horse. Call Kendra for flocking, sales & education in Northern CA and Hawaii.
PO 765
Mountain View, HI 96771
Certified Natural Balance Barefoot Trimmer. Holistic lameness specialist. Hoof maintenance instruction for owners.
CJM Country StablesCorba's HorseshoeingMountain View, HI 96771
(808) 937-0843
(808) 968-0893
susanella@bighawaii.netCertified Natural Balance Barefoot Trimmer. Holistic lameness specialist. Hoof maintenance instruction for owners.
(808) 634-8332
Farrier services.
7212 Koolau Rd
Kilauea, HI 96754
North Shore, Kauai. Natural horsemanship instruction: riding lessons, therapeutic riding, leadership & communication, age 3+ - benefits all disciplines. Build confidence/safety/fun in paradise!
Also offering: natural boarding, holistic horse care, and Equiloha Noni Cookies for horses - a supplement disguised as a treat!
Visitors welcome by appointment - call or email today!
Kilauea, HI 96754
(310) 963-0916
(808) 828-1888
info@equiloha.comNorth Shore, Kauai. Natural horsemanship instruction: riding lessons, therapeutic riding, leadership & communication, age 3+ - benefits all disciplines. Build confidence/safety/fun in paradise!
Also offering: natural boarding, holistic horse care, and Equiloha Noni Cookies for horses - a supplement disguised as a treat!
Visitors welcome by appointment - call or email today!
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