Makawao, Hawaii Horse Directory
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Haku Baldwin Center

Visit Haku Baldwin Center's Facebook Page
444 Makawao Ave
Makawao, HI 96768
(808) 572-9129
HBCRiding@gmail.comA 501 (c)(3) non-profit.
Therapeutic horseback riding for children with special needs - offered two days per week by appointment.
Animal-assisted therapy program, visiting over 400 patients monthly in hospitals and facilities around Maui.
Humane animal education classes for schools and special interest groups.
Equestrian lessons, training, and boarding.
Our 33-acre facility hosts events and shows during the year.
Makawao, HI 96768
This multi paged site is like an online photo album where you can explore the life and activities of one Friesian horse that lives on Maui island.
This multi paged site is like an online photo album where you can explore the life and activities of one Friesian horse that lives on Maui island.
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