Blackfoot, Idaho Horse Directory
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CAMP Hippo Pediatric Therapy

Visit CAMP Hippo Pediatric Therapy's Facebook Page
7 N 600 W
Blackfoot, ID 83221
(208) 782-2267
(208) 709-3573
camphippopeds@aol.comWe are a pediatric therapy provider that has our roots founded in hippotherapy services for our clients. We are located in Blackfoot, ID, and have had the great luck to work with many equine specialists throughout the area. We are affiliated with a non-profit agency that has been able to assist with our services. Our website shows some of our programs as well as our Facebook page. Thank you for your consideration.
Blackfoot, ID 83221
15+ years' experience. Gentle methods with young and inexperienced horses.
Spinning Diamond Ranch(208) 709-3574
gittinshorseshoing@gmail.com15+ years' experience. Gentle methods with young and inexperienced horses.
Blackfoot, ID 83221
(208) 684-3966
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