Bonneville County, Idaho Horse Directory
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Frecker's Saddlery

Visit Frecker's Saddlery's Facebook Page
13654 N 115 E
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
(208) 538-7393
saddles@freckerssaddlery.comFrecker's Saddlery builds custom made wade saddles and tack.
(208) 524-0670
jddiamondacres2010@gmail.comDedicated to producing offspring with top pedigree, top conformation, top color, and top personality. We have brought together championship lines for halter and cart. Some of these names include Buckeroo, Rhoten's Little Dandy, NFC Manipulator, Toy Commander, and more. Located in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Rescuing abused, neglected, and unwanted horses.
(208) 529-2967
(208) 757-3683
crosby@q.comRescuing abused, neglected, and unwanted horses.
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