Elmore County, Idaho Horse Directory
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Academy of Equine Dentistry, The

Visit Academy of Equine Dentistry, The's Facebook Page
P.O Box 999
Glenns Ferry, ID 83623
(208) 366-2315
academy@equinedentalacademy.comThe Academy of Equine Dentistry is a school designed to educate dental technicians and veterinarians in the field of equine dental care.
2050 East Medicine Wheel Lane
King Hill, ID 83633
Learn how to float teeth and get along with horses with Dale Jeffrey and Bert Lambert using a variety of hand and power instrumentation. Multi level training and certification programs available.
World Wide Equine, Inc.King Hill, ID 83633
(405) 834-4045
(208) 869-1002
Learn how to float teeth and get along with horses with Dale Jeffrey and Bert Lambert using a variety of hand and power instrumentation. Multi level training and certification programs available.
P.O. Box 1040
Glenns Ferry, ID 83623
World Wide Equine, Inc. a manufacturer of two to three hundred different equine dental instruments. These instruments are designed by Master Dentists and Master Instrument Makers to provide high quality dentistry for the horse with the least stress possible.
Glenns Ferry, ID 83623
(208) 366-2550
wwequine@horsedentistry.comWorld Wide Equine, Inc. a manufacturer of two to three hundred different equine dental instruments. These instruments are designed by Master Dentists and Master Instrument Makers to provide high quality dentistry for the horse with the least stress possible.
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