Payette County, Idaho Horse Directory
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Crow's Landing

Visit Crow's Landing's Facebook Page
5386 Adams Road
New Plymouth, ID 83655
(541) 212-9575
crowslanding@hotmail.comDressage facility. Horse stables for boarding, a covered arena, turn outs, and an outdoor arena.
Miniature Horses
Our breeding program consists of quality Champion bloodlines so we can produce quality Champion performance horses! Visit our website to see pedigrees of the driving & halter Champions in our lines! International inquiries welcome!
New Plymouth, ID 83655
Northwest Equine manufactures and sells horse barns, fencing, portable horse stalls, roping arenas, horse feeders, round pens, and panels. Dressage, roping, or barrel racing arenas.
(208) 250-2254
Northwest Equine manufactures and sells horse barns, fencing, portable horse stalls, roping arenas, horse feeders, round pens, and panels. Dressage, roping, or barrel racing arenas.
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