Island Lake, Illinois Horse Directory
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Pyrografix Design
Island Lake, IL 60042
Specializing in equine photography, videography, web design, web mastering, graphic design, and fine art.
TImmermann's Ranch & Saddle Shop(847) 532-1084
pyrografix@comcast.netSpecializing in equine photography, videography, web design, web mastering, graphic design, and fine art.

Visit TImmermann's Ranch & Saddle Shop's Facebook Page
29550 W Roberts Rd
Island Lake, IL 60042
(847) 526-8066
timmermanns@hotmail.comWe are excited to tell you all about the fun things we do with our horses at Timmermann's. From show ring & trail rides to fun shows & lessons for all ages, we have everything for the horse and rider, including the horse.
Timmermann's Saddle Shop has everything for the horse & rider. 1,200 pairs of boots. 500 belts. 1000 shirts & blouses. Saddles, halters, bridles and horse supplies. Show clothing, chaps, and tack available. Sizes: Infant to 5XL.
Timmermann's offers riding lessons for the young and old, experienced or not, show or pleasure, on your horse or ours. Starting at the age of 6 and going to the age of, we won't mention, we can teach you English, western, showmanship, and trail or prepare you for that dude ranch vacation.
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