Peoria County, Illinois Horse Directory
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Hay For Sale
Peoria, IL
Small square, large round & corn stalk bales. Please call for pricing. Delivery available.
Hidden Hollow Stables and Training(309) 565-4440
grafelman@sbcglobal.netSmall square, large round & corn stalk bales. Please call for pricing. Delivery available.
9222 Brimfield Jubliee Road
Dunlap, IL 61525
Professional horse training stables in Illinois - making the training experience enjoyable for both horse and rider.
The Barefoot HorseDunlap, IL 61525
(309) 243-7979
info@HiddenHollowStables.comProfessional horse training stables in Illinois - making the training experience enjoyable for both horse and rider.

Visit The Barefoot Horse's Facebook Page
Peoria, IL 61604
(309) 645-6922
lacelynnseibel@yahoo.comHooves are very complex structures. There is a balance between the horse and nature, and I strive to achieve this balance with each trim.
I graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor's in Animal Science and Nutrition. I studied the physiology and anatomy of horses while I worked for the university horse farm. I also studied their diets and how they affect bone growth, reproduction, performance, blood sugar levels, and attitudes. During this time, I became a certified barefoot trimmer with emphasis on navicular and founder rehab through Ida Hammer studying the methods of Pete Ramey. During my apprenticeship, I trimmed over 3,000 hooves, covering all types of lameness.
The keys to success with barefoot horses are diet, environment, exercise, and hoof care. I can help choose a diet specific to individual horses needs, create a healthy environment that encourages movement, and help bring out the naturally tough hooves horses were meant to have with my trims. I also offer trail boots and glue on boots for events, trail rides, and rehabs.
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