Rockford, Illinois Horse Directory
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New Moon Farm

Visit New Moon Farm's Facebook Page
6215 Safford Rd
Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 963-4330
Horse boarding in Rockford, Illinois. Indoor arena, trails, and pasture.
Rockford, IL 61107
Quadropod Photography specializes in your horse! We offer horse show photography, farm shoots, stallion promotions, equine portraiture, and ad work. The photographer for Quadropod Photography has 7 years of experience working with horses and knows what it takes to make your horse look great!
Specializing in hunter/jumpers, Saddlebreds, Morgans, Arabians, and various western breeds.
We travel all across the country.
Give us a call today!
(815) 243-5989
jon@quadropodphotography.comQuadropod Photography specializes in your horse! We offer horse show photography, farm shoots, stallion promotions, equine portraiture, and ad work. The photographer for Quadropod Photography has 7 years of experience working with horses and knows what it takes to make your horse look great!
Specializing in hunter/jumpers, Saddlebreds, Morgans, Arabians, and various western breeds.
We travel all across the country.
Give us a call today!
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