Aurora, Indiana Horse Directory
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Samston Gray Farms
19143 Cornett
Aurora, IN 47001
We provide excellent care for Thoroughbred broodmares. 12x16 foaling stalls. 12x12 rubber mat lined stalls, all w/ windows. Brand new facilities. Newly fenced pastures. Over 20 years of experience in the Thoroughbred business.
Spoiled Acres Rescue IncAurora, IN 47001
(513) 266-3329
(812) 926-1025
info@samstongray.comWe provide excellent care for Thoroughbred broodmares. 12x16 foaling stalls. 12x12 rubber mat lined stalls, all w/ windows. Brand new facilities. Newly fenced pastures. Over 20 years of experience in the Thoroughbred business.
- Thoroughbred Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Breeding Services

Visit Spoiled Acres Rescue Inc's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 553
Aurora, IN 47001
(812) 577-5532
jhammond@comcast.netNon-profit Dearborn County, Indiana, equine rescue organization. Working to save horses from slaughter.
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