Jasper County, Indiana Horse Directory
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FBi Buildings
3823 W 1800 S
Remington, IN 47977
FBi Buildings designs and builds pole barns / post-frame farm buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, storage buildings, horse barns, beef barns, and much more in Indiana, Illinois, and surrounding states.
Southern Pride StablesRemington, IN 47977
(800) 552-2981
FBi Buildings designs and builds pole barns / post-frame farm buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, storage buildings, horse barns, beef barns, and much more in Indiana, Illinois, and surrounding states.

Wheatfield, IN 46392
(219) 816-1283
40 acre farm with a 44 stall barn. There is a 120 x 60 indoor arena, a shower stall, a locked tack room, a heated bathroom, a lounge, a security system, pastures with shelters, and a show arena. We have room for parties on the farm. Free worming and sand clearing. For more information, give us a call. Stables located in Wheatfield, IN.
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