LaPorte County, Indiana Horse Directory
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Jerry Rose Horseshoeing
4401 E 700 N
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
25 years of full-time horseshoeing. Strong background in laminitis and founder.
Stable EnvironmentsSteve Lantvit Horsemanship / Highgrove Farm Inc.Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
(219) 851-2142
jrose416@att.blackberry.net25 years of full-time horseshoeing. Strong background in laminitis and founder.

10257 N Manna Lane
LaPorte, IN 46350
(573) 220-9701
horses@highgrove.comI am a full-time equine professional clinician, trainer, and instructor. My goal is to contribute to the betterment of the relationships between man/woman and horse.
Be sure to watch Steve Lantvit's "Sure in the Saddle" show. The show airs on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm ET and Saturdays at 10:00 am ET on the Universityhouse Channel (channel 9411) on DISH Network. Topics will range from beginner to advanced horsemanship.
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