White County, Indiana Horse Directory
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Brookston Tack & Feed
11030 South 200 West
Brookston, IN 47923
Brookston Tack & Feed carries consignment tack and clothing, quality horse and other feeds, unique equine gifts, show supplies, and more. Visit us often as our inventory changes frequently.
Shepard StableBrookston, IN 47923
(765) 413-9755
brookstontackandfeed@yahoo.comBrookston Tack & Feed carries consignment tack and clothing, quality horse and other feeds, unique equine gifts, show supplies, and more. Visit us often as our inventory changes frequently.

11030 South 200 West
Brookston, IN 47923
(765) 563-0013
shepardstable@yahoo.comShepard Stable is located just north of W. Lafayette, with easy access from Purdue University, SR-18, SR-43, and I-65. We offer friendly and affordable horse boarding, riding lessons, and horse leasing. We are also the home of Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
- Horse Leasing Stables
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