Clarke County, Iowa Horse Directory
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Richardson's Curly Horse & Guest Ranch
1259 310th Ave
Woodburn, IA 50275
Breeders of fine quality North American Curly Horses - many are gaited and multiple-registered with several Curly & Foxtrotter registries. We are located in south central Iowa near Osceola. We offer breeding services as well as quality offspring for sale each year. Curlies are very special horses with great temperament, versatility, and hypoallergenic qualities. We truly believe Curlies are the horse for all reasons! Traveling with your horse? Drop in for an overnight Bunk & Biscuit stopover for you and your traveling horse. Need a complete Vacation? We provide a midwest working guest ranch holiday! Vacation here and ride unique hypoallergenic horses!
Woodburn, IA 50275
(641) 342 -6180
curlhors@iowatelecom.netBreeders of fine quality North American Curly Horses - many are gaited and multiple-registered with several Curly & Foxtrotter registries. We are located in south central Iowa near Osceola. We offer breeding services as well as quality offspring for sale each year. Curlies are very special horses with great temperament, versatility, and hypoallergenic qualities. We truly believe Curlies are the horse for all reasons! Traveling with your horse? Drop in for an overnight Bunk & Biscuit stopover for you and your traveling horse. Need a complete Vacation? We provide a midwest working guest ranch holiday! Vacation here and ride unique hypoallergenic horses!
- Bashkir Curly Breeders
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Ranches and Vacations
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
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