Boone County, Kentucky Horse Directory
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Beautiful Journey Equine Photography
6278 Baymiller Lane
Burlington, KY 41005
Premier equine photography in the northern KY / Cincinnati / Lexington area.
Senior equine portraits, equine portraits, head shots, and more. Check out our website for more information!
Bridlewood FarmCanterbury Hill Equestrian CenterBurlington, KY 41005
(859) 630-7132
arielle.elise@gmail.comPremier equine photography in the northern KY / Cincinnati / Lexington area.
Senior equine portraits, equine portraits, head shots, and more. Check out our website for more information!
3383 Hathaway Road
Union, KY 41091
Canterbury Hill is a full service equestrian facility located in Northern Kentucky. We offer boarding, lessons, sales, training and summer camps.
Locker Racing Stables, LLCUnion, KY 41091
(859) 384-3421
Canterbury Hill is a full service equestrian facility located in Northern Kentucky. We offer boarding, lessons, sales, training and summer camps.
1069 Riverwalk Ct
Hebron, KY 41048
I am a thoroughbred racehorse trainer in northern Kentucky, and will be training my horses at Turfway Park, on the Polytrack surface. Go to my website and see the current offerings for new partnerships now forming.
Mane Gait FarmHebron, KY 41048
(859) 534-5416
(859) 322-7091 am a thoroughbred racehorse trainer in northern Kentucky, and will be training my horses at Turfway Park, on the Polytrack surface. Go to my website and see the current offerings for new partnerships now forming.

Visit Mane Gait Farm's Facebook Page
8676 East Bend Rd
Burlington, KY 41005
(859) 443-6401
(513) 680-0717
Boarding@manegaitfarm.comWelcome to Mane Gait Farm, a Northern Kentucky boarding & training facility!
Mane Gait Farm is located in Burlington, Kentucky, right outside of Florence. We offer short and long term boarding and training services, daily use of our stables and indoor/outdoor arenas, training clinics, trail rides, and much more to the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati area.
Our new boarding facility has 12 x 12 stalls with an overhead water system to each stall, a heated/cooled lounge and tack room, an indoor wash stall, new indoor arena footing, indoor/outdoor obstacle courses, and miles of trails.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
1005 Stephenson Mill Rd
Walton, KY 41094
Robin Hill Farm is a small, quiet, friendly horse boarding stable offering offering personal care for your horse. Both English and western riding lessons are offered for the beginner to novice rider by certified CHA instructors. We specialize in natural horsemanship methods and techniques to ensure the well being of your horse.
Please visit our website today for more details and information.
Trailer Marketing Inc.Walton, KY 41094
(859) 485-1493
horsepower@fuse.netRobin Hill Farm is a small, quiet, friendly horse boarding stable offering offering personal care for your horse. Both English and western riding lessons are offered for the beginner to novice rider by certified CHA instructors. We specialize in natural horsemanship methods and techniques to ensure the well being of your horse.
Please visit our website today for more details and information.
Rob Holdsworth
PO Box 164
Walton, KY 41094
Sales, service and parts for new and used horse and stock trailers with dressing and tack rooms, full living quarters and more. Locations in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.
Turfway ParkPO Box 164
Walton, KY 41094
(800) 637-1149
robholdsworth@trailermarketing.netSales, service and parts for new and used horse and stock trailers with dressing and tack rooms, full living quarters and more. Locations in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.

Visit Turfway Park's Facebook Page
7500 Turfway Road
Florence, KY 41042
(800) 733-0200
(859) 371-0200
A Thoroughbred racetrack in northern Kentucky, Turfway Park offers live racing in the fall, winter, and early spring and simulcast wagering all year. Home of the Lane's End Stakes and Kentucky Cup Day of Champions.
5194 Beaver Road
Union, KY 41091
PATH International Center
PATH International Regisitered Instructor
CHA Premier Accreditated Site
CHA Registered Instructor
Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning Instructor
Trail Rides
Overnight accommodations
Event hosting
Indoor and outdoor arenas
Steppin' Hi Stables, Inc.Union, KY 41091
(859) 586-5475
info@pottersranch.orgPATH International Center
PATH International Regisitered Instructor
CHA Premier Accreditated Site
CHA Registered Instructor
Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning Instructor
Trail Rides
Overnight accommodations
Event hosting
Indoor and outdoor arenas
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Christian Community
- Christian Youth Ministries
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
12405 Hutton Drive
Walton, KY 41094
Steppin' Hi Stables is one of northern Kentucky's most prominent horse boarding barns. It is located on 500 acres with 12 miles of groomed trails and lots of turnout. Offering an indoor arena that is 60'x 170' with a watering system, an outdoor 100' x 200' with lights, and a 50' round pen. Each stall is equipped with heated water and a fly system.
Walton, KY 41094
(859) 485-4654
(859) 393-4918
a.trumble@insightbb.comSteppin' Hi Stables is one of northern Kentucky's most prominent horse boarding barns. It is located on 500 acres with 12 miles of groomed trails and lots of turnout. Offering an indoor arena that is 60'x 170' with a watering system, an outdoor 100' x 200' with lights, and a 50' round pen. Each stall is equipped with heated water and a fly system.
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