Edmonson County, Kentucky Horse Directory
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L & R Farms One Stop Horse Shop
1239 Morgantown Rd
Brownsville, KY 42210
Tack, feed, and clothing variety store offering metal roofing, trailer rentals, gates and panels. Horse and pony sales.
Luttrell FarmsBrownsville, KY 42210
(270) 286-9465
(270) 792-6636
luttrellfarms@wowmail.comTack, feed, and clothing variety store offering metal roofing, trailer rentals, gates and panels. Horse and pony sales.

Visit Luttrell Farms' Facebook Page
1239 Morgantown Rd
Brownsville, KY 42210
(270) 792-6636
(270) 286-9465
luttrellfarms@horsemail.comFamily owned and operated one stop horse shop near Mammoth Cave National Park. We offer quality products, including tack, feed, clothing, boots, metal roofing, trusses, vinyl siding, shutters, columns, doors, windows, garage doors, pool supplies, Border Collies, and more.
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