Lexington, Kentucky Horse Directory
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United States Dressage Federation - USDF

Visit United States Dressage Federation - USDF's Facebook Page
4051 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 971-2277
The official site for the United States Dressage Federation.

Visit American Saddlebred Museum's Facebook Page
4083 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 259-2746

Visit Blue Grass Tours' Facebook Page
817 Enterprise Dr
Lexington, KY 40510
(859) 252-5744
Let us provide the transportation and/or guide service as you enjoy beautiful horse farms, world famous racetracks and equine sales companies, historic downtown Lexington, and the Man O' War statue within the Kentucky Horse Park.
2285 Maggard Drive
Lexington, KY 40511
Providing for your equine needs. Hay, bedding, Pennfield, Purina, Woodys, and Brumfield Stride. Both English and western tack. Supplements and health supplies.
Open 7 days a week:
M-F 8:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Also offering leather repair, saddles, gloves, helmets, boots, clippers, and barns needs. Come see us. Serving the horse industry since 1938. "Service a Family Tradition"
Central Kentucky Riding for Hope - CKRHLexington, KY 40511
(859) 255-0788
(800) 447-2580
davd@brumfieldhay.comProviding for your equine needs. Hay, bedding, Pennfield, Purina, Woodys, and Brumfield Stride. Both English and western tack. Supplements and health supplies.
Open 7 days a week:
M-F 8:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Also offering leather repair, saddles, gloves, helmets, boots, clippers, and barns needs. Come see us. Serving the horse industry since 1938. "Service a Family Tradition"

Visit Central Kentucky Riding for Hope - CKRH's Facebook Page
PO Box 13155
Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 231-7066
PO Box 13607
Lexington, KY 40583
Trainer of The Friesian Spectacular performance horses; offers long reining and carriage driving clinics, Rein Dance ground driving supplies, and video instruction on DVD.
Equi-Force Equine ProductsLexington, KY 40583
Trainer of The Friesian Spectacular performance horses; offers long reining and carriage driving clinics, Rein Dance ground driving supplies, and video instruction on DVD.

Visit Equi-Force Equine Products' Facebook Page
4132 Kentucky River Parkway
Lexington, KY 40515
(859) 967-3307
alicia@equiforce.comEqui-Force Equine Products are equine nutrition supplements formulated by equine nutritionist Dr. Amy Gill. The Equi-Force range of products include OmegaTri, an omega 3 fatty acid supplement; Siliforce Horses (equine silicon) & Osteo-Gen (equine minerals), two supplements that promote equine bone health. Meta-Librium to help manage insulin resistance and equine metabolic syndrome; Equi-Palm, a direct energy source and source of calories for the exercising horse. Algae-to-Omega, contains the potent anti-inflammatory Omega 3 DHA. Beta-Stim, an equine immune support supplement; Electro-Ryte, an equine electrolyte with Redmond rock salt; and EquiOtic, an equine sourced probiotic for digestive health.

Visit Fennell's Horse Supplies' Facebook Page
R.E. Fennell Co., Inc.
Red Mile Rd
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 254-2814
(800) 765-9087
4250 Iron Works Pike
Lexington, KY 40511
Hagyard-Davidson-McGee Associates PLLC has been known for more than 50 years throughout the international equine world as a premier medical and surgical establishment, respected by referring veterinarians and clients.
Horse HatsLexington, KY 40511
(859) 255-8741
info@hagyard.comHagyard-Davidson-McGee Associates PLLC has been known for more than 50 years throughout the international equine world as a premier medical and surgical establishment, respected by referring veterinarians and clients.
4101 Tates Creek Center
Suite 150-121
Lexington, KY 40517
Official hats for horse racing's greatest horses, horse racing art and other equine related merchandise.
Suite 150-121
Lexington, KY 40517
Official hats for horse racing's greatest horses, horse racing art and other equine related merchandise.
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