Henry County, Kentucky Horse Directory
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Elite Equestrian Horse Walkers
9591 Sulphur Rd
Sulphur, KY 40070
We offer a plethora of Elite Horse Walkers at a wide range of price points and configurations. You'll easily be able to find one perfect for you and your horses!
Also, we can custom manufacture the system for you with or without our standard fencing, or you may choose from one of our popular pre-designed systems. Due to our years of success in the horse walker manufacturing industry, we can offer high quality equipment and a great value.
Full Circle DressageSulphur, KY 40070
(800) 544-5819
hello@equinewalkers.comWe offer a plethora of Elite Horse Walkers at a wide range of price points and configurations. You'll easily be able to find one perfect for you and your horses!
Also, we can custom manufacture the system for you with or without our standard fencing, or you may choose from one of our popular pre-designed systems. Due to our years of success in the horse walker manufacturing industry, we can offer high quality equipment and a great value.
948 L'Esprit Parkway
PO Box 98
Pendleton, KY 40055
Louisville's first class dressage facility for all levels and all breeds.
Horse Heaven FarmPO Box 98
Pendleton, KY 40055
(800) 627-5273
info@fullcircledressage.comLouisville's first class dressage facility for all levels and all breeds.

Visit Horse Heaven Farm's Facebook Page
525 LaGrange Road
New Castle, KY 40050
(502) 220-6560
(502) 706-0044
angnadon@hotmail.comWe breed, show, and trail ride Rocky and Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses in northeastern Kentucky... Visit our website and check us out!
- Rocky Mountain Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Farms
2001 Hieatt Lane
Smithfield, KY 40068
Lippitt Morgan Horses - sales, stallion service, and boarding.
Elite Equestrian ProductsSmithfield, KY 40068
(502) 845-9823
dawn@quailmountainmorgans.comLippitt Morgan Horses - sales, stallion service, and boarding.
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
Sulphur, KY 40070
Elite Equestrian Products supplies the equine industry with horse exercisers, horse walkers, horse maintenance and exercise equipment, pasture & paddock draining, riding rings, and other equine equipment.
Elite Equestrian Products(800) 544-5819
sales@eliteequestrianproducts.comElite Equestrian Products supplies the equine industry with horse exercisers, horse walkers, horse maintenance and exercise equipment, pasture & paddock draining, riding rings, and other equine equipment.
Sulphur, KY 40070
Elite Equestrian Products is a premier manufacturer of horse exercisers and starting gates. As one of the first to bring equine exercisers to North America, we have vast experience in equine exercisers and equine physiology.
Raintree Ranch(800) 287-6602
info@equineexerciser.comElite Equestrian Products is a premier manufacturer of horse exercisers and starting gates. As one of the first to bring equine exercisers to North America, we have vast experience in equine exercisers and equine physiology.
Pendleton, KY 40055
Offering full care and pasture care.
Amenities include:
- 82 acres
- 3 barns
- 12x12 stalls
- round pen
- riding arena
- trails
$300 per month (as of Sept 2009) includes hay, grain, and turnout. Cedar shavings in stalls, and stalls are cleaned twice a day. Water buckets are dumped and cleaned every day and refilled twice a day. Facilities monitored 24 hours a day. Owner's sister lives on site. Friendly atmosphere. No long term contracts to sign. 30 years experience caring for horses.
(502) 599-9596
(502) 500-6251
jdaytoday@aol.comOffering full care and pasture care.
Amenities include:
- 82 acres
- 3 barns
- 12x12 stalls
- round pen
- riding arena
- trails
$300 per month (as of Sept 2009) includes hay, grain, and turnout. Cedar shavings in stalls, and stalls are cleaned twice a day. Water buckets are dumped and cleaned every day and refilled twice a day. Facilities monitored 24 hours a day. Owner's sister lives on site. Friendly atmosphere. No long term contracts to sign. 30 years experience caring for horses.
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