Woodford County, Kentucky Horse Directory
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Blue Willow Farm
4400 Delaney Ferry Road
Versailles, KY 40383
We train American Saddlebred show horses and give riding and driving lessons.
DeGraff Stables / Indian ArtifactsVersailles, KY 40383
(859) 873-2339
bluewillowfarm@aol.comWe train American Saddlebred show horses and give riding and driving lessons.
- American Saddlebred Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Saddleseat Stables
- Driving Stables
PO Box 4350
3945 W Leestown Road
Midway, KY 40347
Midway College Athletics3945 W Leestown Road
Midway, KY 40347
(419) 797-8032
(866) 264-6342 (866-AnIndian)
Midway College
512 E Stephens St
Midway, KY 40347
Midway College: Equine512 E Stephens St
Midway, KY 40347
(859) 846-4421
(800) 755-0031

Visit Midway College: Equine's Facebook Page
Midway College
512 East Stephens St
Midway, KY 40347
(800) 755-0031
(859) 846-4421
3352 Huntertown Road
Versailles, KY 40383
Sunrise Stables trains and breeds American Saddlebred horses in Versailles, KY.
Versailles, KY 40383
(859) 873-9129
(859) 533-6225
Mmoore8059@aol.comSunrise Stables trains and breeds American Saddlebred horses in Versailles, KY.
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