New Gloucester, Maine Horse Directory
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The Equestrian Center at Pineland Farms

Visit The Equestrian Center at Pineland Farms' Facebook Page
1545 Intervale Rd
New Gloucester, ME 04260
(207) 657-6419
equestrian@pinelandfarms.orgThe Equestrian Center at Pineland Farms is located just 2 hours from Boston and an hour from the New Hampshire/Maine state line. Head Coach Michael Poulin and Lead Rider Gwyneth McPherson head a superior staff. National and international clinicians throughout the year. Trailer-in or stay for training. It's more affordable than you think to get access to our country's top educators. Call or email us.
184 Black Point Road
New Gloucester, ME 04260
Equine dentist since 1971. Providing maintenance, performance, corrective, and geriatric care of the horse. Certified International Association of Equine Dentists.
New Gloucester, ME 04260
(207) 926-4277
wsbequine@tampabay.rr.comEquine dentist since 1971. Providing maintenance, performance, corrective, and geriatric care of the horse. Certified International Association of Equine Dentists.
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