Hancock, Maine Horse Directory
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Double L Stable Equestrian Center / Wanda Lounder

Visit Double L Stable Equestrian Center / Wanda Lounder's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 218
769 East Side Rd
Hancock, ME 04640
(207) 422-3001
(207) 479-1100
dlsequarterhorses@yahoo.comWanda is a carded Open Horse Show Judge, AQHA Professional Horseman, and 2010 AQHA MVP and has over 30 years in the horse industry. Owner of Double L Stable Equestrian. This is a full service facility offering lessons, training, boarding, camps, judging, and clinics. Family owned and operated. Double L is open to all breeds & disciplines, offering training, lessons & showing in English & Western events. We focus on working with each individuals interests and focus on what areas work the best.
We offer indoor & outdoor arenas, heated tack room, viewing room and wash stall. We offer a wide variety of programs for youths & adults.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Event Facilities
- Judges
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
- Horse Leasing Stables
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