Buckfield, Maine Horse Directory
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Scotia Equine Dental

Visit Scotia Equine Dental's Facebook Page
93 S. Whitman School Rd
Buckfield, ME 04220
(207) 336-3864
horsedentist@healingspiritfarm.comThe best person to recognize when your horse needs help with his teeth is you, but do you know what to watch for?
Are you aware of what sort of difficulties your horse may be dealing with?
A veterinarian and an equine dentist in the UK teamed up to do a survey of horse's mouths. They examined 100 horses of various ages.
Here are some of their findings...
- All 100 of the horses had sharp points on their molars.
- 33 had restricted jaw movement.
- 37 had various forms of sharp hooks on their molars.
- 10 had one or more wolf teeth.
- 5 had loose teeth.
- 3 were missing molars.
That's quite a list! Notice the very first finding: All 100 horses had sharp points and edges on their molars. Every time these horses went to eat they had to deal with those sharp points. Let's try to put this into a human context. This would be something like you trying to eat an apple with thumbtacks in your mouth.
We recommend YEARLY visits to see your horses (see above) - when seen yearly for gentle, hand-floats, we help your horse get the most from his/her food and help you get the most and best from your horse. The charge is typically approx. $55/horse with a farm call that ranges from $15 to $30 depending on the distance traveled and the number of horses in the immediate area.
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