Cecil County, Maryland Horse Directory
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Delmarva Driving Club
Marti Bolinski
North East, MD 21901
The main goals of the club are to conduct monthly drives in different areas of the shore and provide informative presentations related to driving. The Annual Spring Carriage Show is big focus of our fund raising campaign.
Equihab FoundationNorth East, MD 21901
The main goals of the club are to conduct monthly drives in different areas of the shore and provide informative presentations related to driving. The Annual Spring Carriage Show is big focus of our fund raising campaign.

Visit Equihab Foundation's Facebook Page
111 South Main Street
North East, MD 21901
(443) 466-4087
info@equihab.comHorse cruelty prevention, rescue/re-homing, education, and placement service. Equihab is foster-farm based, so horse showings are by appointment. Equihab also does free educational presentations for groups or schools. We assist owners and animal control in finding new homes for horses. While the organization has a limited capacity, we are happy to help owners in selling their horses, for example by cross-posting their horse's ad for free advertising.
P.O. Box 222
Port Deposit, MD 21904
Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding program offers a variety of horse activities for the physically, mentally and emotionally challenged.
Giffords Farm Market & Feed StorePort Deposit, MD 21904
(410) 378-3817
(866) 431-6874
fhtrp@freedomhills.orgFreedom Hills Therapeutic Riding program offers a variety of horse activities for the physically, mentally and emotionally challenged.
1553 Biggs Highway
Rising Sun, MD 21911
Gifford's Farm offers FCA (Farmers Cooperative Association) horse / livestock feeds. Quality feed at competitive prices!
Heart of Gold FarmMidAtlantic Horse RescueRising Sun, MD 21911
(410) 658-6527
kacey@giffordsfarm.comGifford's Farm offers FCA (Farmers Cooperative Association) horse / livestock feeds. Quality feed at competitive prices!

Visit MidAtlantic Horse Rescue's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 403
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
(302) 376-7297
bev@midatlantichorserescue.orgMidAtlantic Horse Rescue is dedicated to giving ex-racehorses a brighter future through horse rescue and adoption. We serve the midatlantic region (PA, MD, DE) of the United States.

Visit Opening Number Riding Academy, LLC's Facebook Page
40 Belle Rouge Farm Ln
North East, MD 21901
(302) 388-6443
oA place to learn how to do a little bit of everything, from hunter equitation to western games. NEW - learn how to drive horses! Summer camp for all experiences. Plenty of showing opportunities and fun activities.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
1653 Dixie Line Rd
Elkton, MD 21921
Self board or field board for up to 3 horses on an organic healing centre farm. Located west of Newark, DE, just over the Maryland border. Barn, individual stalls, tack room, two pastures, and lean to. Vet reference required. Rates as of Jan 2012: $175/mo self board or $125/mo field board. One bedroom apartment is also available for $700.00/mo. We pay heat and you pay electric, phone, internet. Call or email.
St. Augustine Pony Club - SAPCStables at Cedar Farm, TheElkton, MD 21921
(302) 598-7955
Lifecoachsynergy@gmail.comSelf board or field board for up to 3 horses on an organic healing centre farm. Located west of Newark, DE, just over the Maryland border. Barn, individual stalls, tack room, two pastures, and lean to. Vet reference required. Rates as of Jan 2012: $175/mo self board or $125/mo field board. One bedroom apartment is also available for $700.00/mo. We pay heat and you pay electric, phone, internet. Call or email.
16 Cedar Farm Ln
Rising Sun, MD 21911
Cedar Farm is situated on over 34 acres in Rising Sun, MD. We have 2 barns, a lighted outdoor sand arena (100' x 200'), 10 paddocks, wooded trails, and plenty of open space. We are about 8 miles away from Fair Hill. We are nestled back away from the road, where it is very quiet and there is always a breeze. We strive to make sure that you and your horse will feel right at home!
Rising Sun, MD 21911
(443) 309-0159
cedarfarmtara@gmail.comCedar Farm is situated on over 34 acres in Rising Sun, MD. We have 2 barns, a lighted outdoor sand arena (100' x 200'), 10 paddocks, wooded trails, and plenty of open space. We are about 8 miles away from Fair Hill. We are nestled back away from the road, where it is very quiet and there is always a breeze. We strive to make sure that you and your horse will feel right at home!
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