Massachusetts Horse Directory
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Ginette Brockway
Working with buyers & sellers of horse properties, farms and residential real estate in the Acton, Concord, Carlisle, Harvard, and areas west of Boston, Massachusetts. Specialties include horse properties and distinctive homes.
Greengate Farms
150 Bernard Whitney Road
New Braintree, MA 01531
Internationally known breeding farm standing Hanoverian bloodlines Werbellin, Donarweiss and jumping stallion Cadbury by Contendro. Imported and domestic mares and foals. Young horses for breeding and riding. Mare station. Boarding & training weanlings - 3 year olds.
Greenlock Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.Groton Pony Club - GPCHandi KidsNew Braintree, MA 01531
(508) 867-8613
(508) 867-3472
greengatestud@aol.comInternationally known breeding farm standing Hanoverian bloodlines Werbellin, Donarweiss and jumping stallion Cadbury by Contendro. Imported and domestic mares and foals. Young horses for breeding and riding. Mare station. Boarding & training weanlings - 3 year olds.
470 Pine St
Bridgewater, MA 02324
Therapeutic and hippotherapy lessons to children and adults with disabilities.
Herring Brook FarmBridgewater, MA 02324
(508) 697-7557
Therapeutic and hippotherapy lessons to children and adults with disabilities.
233 Washington Street
Pembroke, MA 02359
Herring Brook Farm is a full service hunter/jumper training and show facility and equestrian facility. Specializing in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and ponies, HBF has the staff to get you from your first beginner riding lesson to the Grand Prix ring. Herring Brook Farm also has demonstrated success buying and selling high quality show horses. Offering boarding, riding lessons, show training, and coaching, we provide opportunities for personal growth and success!
High Horse Hill - Therapeutic Horsemanship for All AgesPembroke, MA 02359
(617) 620-1261
(508) 728-1665
info@herringbrookfarm.comHerring Brook Farm is a full service hunter/jumper training and show facility and equestrian facility. Specializing in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and ponies, HBF has the staff to get you from your first beginner riding lesson to the Grand Prix ring. Herring Brook Farm also has demonstrated success buying and selling high quality show horses. Offering boarding, riding lessons, show training, and coaching, we provide opportunities for personal growth and success!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
139 Arthur Pease Road
Middlefield, MA 01243
Our mission is to heal with horses through safely experiencing all phases of natural horsemanship, including leading, grooming, groundwork, games, riding, and equine education.
Hillside Meadows Equestrian CenterMiddlefield, MA 01243
(413) 961-9311
Our mission is to heal with horses through safely experiencing all phases of natural horsemanship, including leading, grooming, groundwork, games, riding, and equine education.
111 George Hill Road
Grafton, MA 01519
Riding lessons for all levels. Boarding with grass turn out, great footing in both the indoor and outdoor rings, a permanent round pen, and many trails. Knowledgeable staff provides hunter / jumper training.
Hillside StablesGrafton, MA 01519
(508) 887-9900
ronaat1@aol.comRiding lessons for all levels. Boarding with grass turn out, great footing in both the indoor and outdoor rings, a permanent round pen, and many trails. Knowledgeable staff provides hunter / jumper training.

237R Hillside Street
Milton, MA 02186
(617) 291-2248
mccracken.sam@gmail.comPrivate boarding facility located in the heart of Blue Hills, just minutes from downtown Boston. Access to over 7,000 acres of conservation land. Move in special $485 per month for the first 3 months w/ 6 month contract (rate as of Mar 2011).
P.O. Box 664
West Newbury, MA 01985
Hobson's Choice Saddlery offers new, used, custom, and demo saddles for sale by the brands you love to ride. We specialize in fitting both horse and rider... whether it's dressage, jumping, or all-purpose saddles.
West Newbury, MA 01985
(978) 363-8881
Hobson's Choice Saddlery offers new, used, custom, and demo saddles for sale by the brands you love to ride. We specialize in fitting both horse and rider... whether it's dressage, jumping, or all-purpose saddles.
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