Hanover, Massachusetts Horse Directory
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Bridal Carriage Company
P.O. Box 1234
Hanover, MA 02339
Romantic and scenic carriage rides in and around Boston, Massachusetts.
Full, semi, & rough board available in HanoverHanover, MA 02339
(800) 464-1676
info@bostonbridalcarriage.comRomantic and scenic carriage rides in and around Boston, Massachusetts.
24 Maplewood Dr
Hanover, MA 02339
Barn in Hanover offers a relaxed atmosphere, a large, well-maintained arena, an indoor wash stall, trails, and much more. We now have 10x12 and 12x12 in-and-out stalls available. We also one 12x12 stall available that does not have its own paddock, but all day turnout is still offered. All stalls have rubber mats down. Choice of private turnout or turnout with one other horse.
Full board includes two feedings daily, stall cleaning, watering, and turnout.
Semi rough board: the owner will purchase their own food and bedding, and I will provide daily care.
Rough board includes the use of the stall only. The owner is responsible for all care, food, and bedding.
Training & exercise is offered at an additional charge depending on the number of days desired.
Prices as of Nov 2009:
Full board - $400
Semi-rough board - $225
Rough board - $175
Hanover, MA 02339
(781) 626-2386
jackiedoc4@aol.comBarn in Hanover offers a relaxed atmosphere, a large, well-maintained arena, an indoor wash stall, trails, and much more. We now have 10x12 and 12x12 in-and-out stalls available. We also one 12x12 stall available that does not have its own paddock, but all day turnout is still offered. All stalls have rubber mats down. Choice of private turnout or turnout with one other horse.
Full board includes two feedings daily, stall cleaning, watering, and turnout.
Semi rough board: the owner will purchase their own food and bedding, and I will provide daily care.
Rough board includes the use of the stall only. The owner is responsible for all care, food, and bedding.
Training & exercise is offered at an additional charge depending on the number of days desired.
Prices as of Nov 2009:
Full board - $400
Semi-rough board - $225
Rough board - $175
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